The constancy has its reward!

The constancy has its reward! Practice every day, study, read, stay informed are the secret to succeed in any professional activity. The above is also valid for blackjack! It's weird the day I do not spend at least an hour or more blackjack either studying one of my books, doing research, doing simulations, practicing with my decks or keeping my computer counting skills in shape. I can not play as often as I would like since my professional activity, my trips and the geographical location where I have spent more time in the last year and a half prevent me, but every time I can travel somewhere I can play I do not lose the opportunity and this includes my periodic returns to my home in Venezuela. In this opportunity in two weeks of stay in which I was also a few days in the Isla de Margarita I took advantage to play as much as I could. I played almost daily, where on a couple of occasions I had marathon sessions. The result was only one losing session and all the other winners with a profit well above the matématic expectations (There was also good luck). I played with good and regular rules, I played in casinos and gambling houses that I did not know. I saw many lose huge amounts of money, I saw few earn some money. During the almost 30 hours of play of this trip I did not see ANYONE applying the basic strategy perfectly, including people that I know are practicing or learning card counting. I'm going to do a few simulations and then write an article about what classic basic strategy mistakes cost. The game can be devastating for a person who practices compulsively, but this combined with alcohol is simply disastrous. What embarrassing shows I could see given by people who in a day to day look otherwise. Years ago I tried to help people at the table, today I am alone in absolute silence. I swallow the insults of those who complain because I asked or opened, or those who complain because I played two positions and then closed or opened one. For a change he told me he was losing because of me, and only told him that if he did not want to lose, he can play at another table or wait for me to finish ... There was a pretty ugly session where I lost everything I took that night to play (10 maximum bets) and someone I love very much told me: "But why do not you change the game? Why do not you do something else? ... no Open pairs or stay, do not raise the bet ... do not play like a robot! " My answer: "In blackjack there is no other way, you always have to play the same" the only thing to do, is to use the skills to the fullest, not despair and above all, have the necessary capital for the level of play and to be able to withstand the tremendous fluctuations ... Today I travel to Eruopa again and I do not know how long I will be without playing, but I assure you that at least I am very happy with the results!
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